Ignacio Carrillo, a famous minstrel that has traveled across Colombia with his accordion, makes the desicion of taking his last trip in order to give the accordion to his aged mentor, and never to play again. Along the road, he finds Fermin, a young man whose passion in life is to accompany Ignacio and to be like him. Ignacio takes the young man with him, and they start the adventure together. Ignacio will try to teach Fermin a different path than the one he took, one filled with loneliness and sorrow. In order to do so, he will have to face his own destiny, which has in store, for Ignacio and his pupil, a set of gimmmicks and stunts.
Director and screenplay / Ciro Guerra
Production / Ciudad Lunar, Cristina Gallego, Diana Bustamante
Co-producers / Razor Films, Cine Ojo, Primer Plano, Volya Films, ZDF
Cinematography / Paulo Andrés Pérez
Editing / Iván Wild
Original Score / Iván “Tito” Ocampo
Cast / Marciano Martínez, Yull Núñez, Rosendo Romero, Beto Rada, Guillermo Arzuaga, José Luís Torres, Agustín Nieves, Erminia Martínez, José Luis Torres, Justo Valdez
Alemania, Argentina, Colombia, Holanda. 2009
Ficción, 117 min.
Ciro guerra
Río de Oro, 1981). He studied film and television at the Universidad Nacional of Colombia. At 21 years old, he directed La sombra del Caminante (2004), film that granted him several awards at San Sebastián, Tollouse, Mar del Plata, Trieste, Havana, Quito, Cartagena, Santiago and Warsow. It was also in the official selection in several film festivals, including Tribeca, Lorcano, Seoul, Pésaro, Seattle, Hamburg, Kolkata, Rio de Janeiro, Istambul and Guadalajara. His second film, Los viajes del viento, was selected to compete at Cannes, 2009, in the Una cierta mirada category, and it was premiered in seventeen different countries and made the official selection of more than ninety festivals. The three films Guerra has made habe been selected as the colombian representatives at the Oscars. His film, Embrace of the serpent, is the first colombian movie to be nomimated for an Academy award. It competed for best foreign language film.
- 2018 - Pájaros de verano
- 2015 - El abrazo de la serpiente
- 2009 - Los viajes del viento
- 2004 - La sombra del caminante
Festivales y Premios
- 2009 Festival de Cine de Cannes: Premio de la ciudad de Roma
- 2009 Festival de Cine de Bogotá: PremioGolden Precolumbian Circle a mejor película colombiana y mejor director
- 2009 Festival de Arte y Cine Two Rivers
- 2009 Festival Internacional de Cine Donostia-San Sebastian
- 2009 Festival Internacional de Cine de Toronto
- 2009 Festival de Cine de Londres
- 2009 Festival Internacional de Cine de San Paulo
- 2009 Festival Internacional de Cine de Mar del Plata
- 2009 Festival Internacional de Cine de Estocolmo
- 2010 Festival Internacional de Cine de Rotterdam
- 2010 Festival Internacional de Cine de Santa Bárbara: Premio Nueva Visión
- 2010 Festival de Cine de Cartagena: Premio Colombian Cinema a mejor director y mejor película
- 2010 Festival Internacional de Cine de Ljubljana: Mención especial
- 2010 Festival Internacional de Cine de Hong Kong
- 2010 Festival de Cine Latino de Los Ángeles
- 2016 Festival de Cine RiveRun
- 2016 Festival de Cine Latinoaméricano de Singpúr
- Premios Macondo: Mejor director
mejor fotografía y mejor banda sonora original