Perpetuum mobile

dir. Nicolás Pereda

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Mobile was created from its author own experiences, who tells the tale of Gabino, a young boy who, alongside his friend Paco, are in the moving busisness. Havign this in mind, and with the contemplative style that caracterizes the recent mexican movies, Nicolás Pereda develops the protagonists story, who we see in different daily situations, which will be altered by the sudden death of his grandmother.

Cast / Teresa Sánchez, Gabino Rodríguez, Francisco Barreiro. Cinematography / Alejandro Coronado Sound / Mauricio Villalba Sound design / Alejandro de Icaza Production / Catalina Pereda y Nicolás Pereda Screenplay, direction and editing / Nicolás Pereda

Ficción, 90 min.

Nicolás Pereda

Mexico City, 1982. Pereda did his masters degree in film directing at York University. He has filmed six feature films and one short hilm that have awarded him many prized at different festivals worldwide. He has made several films and vidios for interdisciplinary montages, operas and dance pieces that have been presented in Mexico, Asia and Europe. Gabino Rodríguez and Teresa Sánchez are his main stars, but he has considered working with other actors an to hire Gabino as his asistant. He lives between Canada and Mexico, and is married to Andrea Bussmann. They have two children. Pereda's films have been shown at many film festivals, such as: Cannes, Venecia, Rotterdam, FIDMarseille, Viena y Edinburgo, and has won several prizes at their competitions. His first film retrospecctivos took place at Cine de las Américas in Austin, Texas, in 2010. This one was followed by others: in Jeonju, Anthology Film Archives, Paris Cinema, Cartagena IFF, UCLA, Valdivia FF and Harvard Film Archive, among many others in Madris, Seattle, San Francisco, Belo Horizonte and the TIFF Bell Lightbox in Toronto.


  • 2016 — Historias de dos que soñaron (co-dirección con Andrea Bussmann )
  • 2015 — Minotauro
  • 2014 — Los ausentes
  • 2013 — El palacio
  • 2013 — Matar extraños  (co-dirección con Jacob Schulsinger)
  • 2010 — Verano de Goliat
  • 2010 — Todo, en fin, el silencio lo ocupaba
  • 2009 — Perpetuum Mobile
  • 2009 — Entrevista con la tierra
  • 2009 — Juntos
  • 2007 —¿Dónde están sus historias?

Festivales y Premios

  • Premio Mayahuel de Oro al mejor largometraje mexicano de ficción. Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara 2010
  • Premio Cine en Construcción 15. Festival Rencontres Cinémas d’Amérique Latine
    en Toulouse,


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«Perpetuum Mobile se contrapone al cine comercial recordándonos que la vida diaria no es tan mágica como en las pantallas hollywoodense; retrata lo cotidiano, sin que falte el humor, con absoluto sentido de la intrascendencia y haciendo hincapié en lo aparentemente banal para que surja significado de la nada».
— Sofía Ochoa Rodríguez: EnFilme

«Muestra una mirada silenciosa a lo cotidiano con ayuda de largos planos secuencia, poniendo de manifiesto la incomunicación entre las familias y otros vínculos sociales. Según sus propias palabras, el director continúa explorando la relación de los mismos personajes de sus filmes anteriores pero en situaciones distintas. Interroga sin concesiones lo habitual, para desarrollar una reflexión sobre el día a día, que consigue traspasar al público y que resulta inquietante».
— Déborah Farjí Núñez: Noticine

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