Life in a residential neighborhood in the now Recife, Brasil, takes an unexpected turn after the arrival of an independent private security company. The presence of these men bring a sense of security to the people of Recife, but also some anxiety; it is a community guide by fear. Meanwhile, Bia, a married woman and mother of two childred, must find the way to cope with her's neighboard's dog howls and barks.
Director / Kleber Mendonça Filho
Screenplay / Kleber Mendonça Filho
Production / Emilie Lesclaux
Production Company / Cinema Scópio
Editing / Kleber Mendonça Filho, João Maria
Cinematography / Pedro Sotero
Original Score / DJ Dolores
Cast / Irandhir Santos, Gustavo Jahn, Maeve Jinkings
Brasil. 2012
Ficción, 131 min.
Kleber Mendoça Filho
Refice, 1968. Director, producer and film critic. He majored in journalism in the Universidad Federal of Penambuco. He started his career as a film critic and journalist and started writng for journals such as Jornal do Commercio y Folha of S. Paulo as well as for magazines such as Continente and Cinética, as well as writing for his own site CinemaScópio. As a director, he experimented with ficition, documentaries and music videos in the nineties. He started his ventures in digital 35 mm film at the beginis of the 2000, filming several shortfilms, amongst them A Menina do Algodão (co-directed with Daniel Bandeira, 2002), Eletrodoméstica (2005), Noite de Sexta Manhã de Sábado (2006), and Recife Frio (2009), as well as a feature documentary, Crítico (2008). Mendoça has received more than 120 awards in Brazil and abroad, with selections in festivals like New York, Copenhage and Canne, as well as Rotterdadm, Toullouse and Santa Maria da Feira, where his restrospectives have been shown. He has been a cinema programer for the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation.
- 2019 — Os Filmes já Começan na Calada
- 2019 — Bacurau
- 2016 — Aquarius
- 2015 — A Copa do Mundo no Recife
- 2012 — Neighbouring Sounds
- 2009 — Cold Tropics
- 2008 — Critico
- 2007 — Friday Night Sunday Morning
- 2005 — Electrodoméstica
- 2004 — Green Vinyl
- 2002 — A Menina do A Menina do Algodão
- 1997 — Enajaulado
Festivales y Premios
- 2012 Festival Internacional de Cine de Rotterdam: Premio FIPRESCI
- 2012 CPH:PIX: Premio Gran Prix Nuevo Talento
- 2012 Festival de Cine Gramado: Premio de la audiencia a mejor largometraje
Premio Golden Kikito a mejor sonido y mejor director
Premio Kikito Critics a mejor largometraje
- 2012 Festival Internacional de Cine de San Francisco
- 2012 Festival de Cine New Horizons: Premio FIPRESCI
- 2012 Festival de Cine de Lorcano
- 2012 Festival de Cine de Londres
- 2012 Festival de Cine de Mar del Plata
- 2012 Festival de Cine de Nantes Three Continents
- 2012 Festival Internacional de Cine de Río de Janeiro: Premio a mejor película y mejor guión
- 2012 Festival Internacional de Cine de Salónica
- 2012 Festival de Cine Belfort Entrevues
- 2012 Festival de Cine de Sidney
- 2012 Festival Internacional de Cine de San Paulo: Premio Itamaraty a mejor película brazileña
- 2013 Festival Internacional de Cine de Gotemburgo
- 2013 Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Buenos Aires
- 2013 Festival de Cine Lationamericano de Lima: Premio APRECI a mejor película
Premio a mejor guión.
- 2013 Festival de Cine Lationamericano Leida: Premio a mejor guión y Premio especial del jurado
- 2013 Festival de Cine de Zurich
- 2013 Festival Internacional de Cine Cinemanila: Premio competencia internacional
- 2014 Festival de Cine de Lisboa & Estoril
- 2014 Festival de Cine SESC: Premio de la audiencia a mejor película
mejor director
mejor guión
mejor fotografía. Premio de la crítica a mejor película
mejor director y mejor guión
- 2014 Festival de Cine Portugués Cineport: Andorinha Trophy a mejor sonido
- ABC Cinematography Award: ABC Trophy a Mejor montaje
mejor sonido
- Cinema Brazil Grand Price: Cinema Brazil Grand Prize a mejor guión original
mejor película
mejor director
mejor actor principal
- Panorama Coisa De Cinema: Premio Pranorama Brasil a mejor largometraje
- São Paulo Association of Art Critics Awards: APCA Trophy a mejor pelìcula y mejor director
- Toronto Film Critics Association Awards: Mejor película debút