A Lake

dir. Philippe Grandrieux




An unknown town, covered by snow and forests, somewhere in the north. A family living isolated in a house near a lake. Alexi, the brother, is a young, good-hearted boy, who suffers from violent epilepsy episodes. Despite this, he lives in peace, with nature. He is a lumberjack. Alexi loves her little sister, Hege, deeply. Their mother is blind, but their brother and father are witnesses of this compulsive love. Suddenly, a boy a bit older than Alexi, arrives.

Director / Philippe Grandrieux Screenplay / Philippe Grandrieux Cinematography / Philippe Grandrieux Cast / Dmitry Kubasov, Natalie Rehorova, Alexei Solonchev, Simona Huelsemann, Vitaly Kishchenko, Artur Semay

Ficción, 90 min.

Philippe Grandrieux

Saint Étiene, 1954. In 1976 he prepares his first video installation. Since then, he has continously moved between the experimental, documentaries and his job at the Art Channel. His three feature films are Sombre (1998), La vie nouvelle (2002) and A LAke (2008). With only three feature films, his filmography is already a refference for understanding the most radical leeways in french cinema nowadays. His films, intense like no other, are physical experiences as well as emotional. The go into themes such as bodily violence but also gazing violence. They achieve an obtuse quality of the abstract.


  • 2017 — Unresr
  • 2015 — Despite the Night
  • 2015 —Murderess
  • 2012 — White Epilepsy
  • 2011 — Il se peut que la beauté ait renforcé notre résolution - Masao Adachi
  • 2008 — Un lac
  • 2007 — Marilyn Manson: Putting Holes in Happiness
  • 2002 — A New Life
  • 1998 — Sombre
  • 1993 — Gert Jan Theunisse
  • 1993 — Roue
  • 1992 — Cafés
  • 1987 — Berlin
  • 1982 — A New Generatiin

Festivales y Premios

  • 2008 Festival de Cine de Venecia: Premio Venice Horizons-mención especial
  • 2008 Festival Internacional de Cine de Mar del Plata
  • 2008 Festival de Cine Cinepur Choice
  • 2009 Festival de Cine de Belgrado
  • 2009 Festival de Cine de Hong Kong
  • 2009 Festival de Cine de Estambúl
  • 2009 CPH:PIX
  • 2009 Festival de Cine New Horizons
  • 2009 Festival de Cine de Gent
  • 2009 AFI
  • 2009 Festival de Cine de Belfast
  • Orizzonti Awards: Mención especial


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«El filme termina por adquirir la misma cualidad onírica que ostenta el relato, la sensación de haber asistido a un cuento soñado, una historia que, tanto por tierna como por descarnada, tanto por íntima como por universal, parece condicionada a permanecer en el corazón y en la memoria del espectador por mucho tiempo».
— La butaca azul

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